Saturday, June 23, 2007

Pics from HK

One of the streets of Hong Kong.

Vince and Michelle live in the pink topped apartments. As seen from the ferry.

A view of Hong Kong Disney from the ferry.

View from our hotel

Vince and Michelle demonstrate the importance of wash cloths in a tropical climate.


Sofie said...

Looks so beautiful! How fun to get out onto the water! I wish we had done that. Hope you are getting some sleep right now.

BekkiBoo aka tubelessstl said...

Lets see, it is 2:54 PM Saturday here so you are hopefully sleeping at around 4 am your time. Oh only a few more hours.
Beautiful pictures. I love looking at other cities around the world. Hong Kong is some place I never expect to be able to travel, but I will soak it in from your beautiful depiction of it all.